Welcome to Jax Therapy Network!

JTN is a professional listing of therapists in the Northeast Florida region and surrounding areas.

Looking for a therapist?

Using detailed search options, you can find the right mental health professional for you, near you.  We also have a growing library of resources and other information to help support and encourage you on your mental health journey.

Are you a therapist or other mental health professional working in or around Jacksonville, Florida?

Register now to be listed in the directory!

Help us be the best resource we can be!

If you know mental health professional or other related resource provider in the Northeast Florida area, send them our way. If you have feedback about a professional you found using Jax Therapy Network, please let us know!


Jax Therapy Network is a directory service designed to connect individuals to a mental health professional who is right for them. While it is our hope that you will and your therapist or counselor will make a great team, not everyone is a perfect fit. If you find yourself in that position, we hope that you will continue your search, the right person is out there!

Listing on this site should not be considered an endorsement by the owners and administrators of Jax Therapy Network or any associated professionals. All information included in therapist listings has been provided by the professionals themselves and authenticated to the best of our ability. While we make a good faith effort to verify all information using the means available to us, there are some limits to what we are able to substantiate. Should we become aware that information in a therapists listing is incorrect, we will make a reasonable effort to correct the error. If information provided is intentionally misleading or untrue, it may lead to that professional’s removal from the JTN directory.

Thank you so much for being here!